Friday, April 1, 2011


All of us had heard about forgiveness I am sure! I was learning this past week about just that, but on a much deeper level! I am so thankful to God and to those who follow after truth. I am not always consistent in my walk of Faith, but thank Jesus He still keep pursuing me with passion. Crazy as it is, this force of God keeps pursuing the hearts of humans! I tell ya, I keep finding so many walls in my life. Many a times I loose my vision of light, which poors from the deepest part of my self... who is God. I mean, I don't see how I can be super "spiritual" all the time. I think we are a masterpiece of color and textures with shades of light and dark. I must have balance! Which means, I must care for the outward self, as well as the inward self. As in all things Life and God, I feel a presence always with me! Even if I am about to make a mistake, I know I am not alone in my weakness. Thank God! Now back to forgivenss! Learning again, but now getting it much deeper still! That true forgiveness means not remembering the past mistakes of any who have caused you pain. To seriously keep no record of wrong! I mean, I am willing to accept God grace and forgivness for my own well being. Yet, am I not always willing to do the same for others fully. Especially those who have hurt me the most! Maybe a family member especially!! We must be more than willing to forgive then just saying it. We must go deeper! We must forgive and then forget! Let it GO! This does not mean by any means to let yourself be abused people. Sometimes a relationship cannot continue, but we must really release them. All the while releasing ourselves to recieve more of God. Striving still to regard others as better than ourselves. For this is the heart of the one True God! To pray for our enemies and for those who hurt us the most. For those who act out of pain or even ignorrance, are always the ones who suffer the most. We are just mere casualties! Let us continue to move forward in Peace and Grace. Let us not remain in the past ever and stuck in unforgiveness! Search or hearts or Lord and Renew a right Spirit in Us! I have no idea if any one will get anything from this, but I felt the need to share. God is our Healer!

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