Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Power of words!

Jan 30th
I heard two messages this morning! Got up first at 7am with the kitty meowing in ear. He is ready for food and fun! I just now it's going to be a tuff transition when I finally have a child. The one good thing about being in business for yourself and not having kids, is you can sleep in if you want. All last week though, I got up early like 7-8am and stayed awake all day. I started out my days exercising, preparing healthy lunches and snacks for jay, making sure we had the right food for or healthy low fat meal plan with our Beachbody fitness plan

I am trying to get myself going on journaling every morning and spending time with God, which means I have to start getting up at 6 daily through the week. We'll see how it goes! I started a very part time job as Cheekwood Pineapple Room. I like it already! I have been exhausted by the end of each day and have been ready for bed at like 9 or 10. Yesterday, I got to sleep in and it was the best recuperative sleep I have had in a while. We woke up to 4 inches of snow and couldn't even open the door all the way. I was not prepared for what the day was to bring. I thought yeah! We can build a snow man and sled and just be hubby and me. I also wanted to read this book I have been getting lots out of. Anyhow, I was told about 15 minutes after waking up that a friend of Jays may be coming over. Well is he or isn't he I asked. Not knowing for sure, I rushed to clean the house for the next two to three hours. Finally, I texted him wanting to know for sure if he was coming and yes he said I am. I don't know about any of you ladies, but I like the house straightened up if company is coming over. I get too embarresed otherwise. I became upset because I was not informed for sure if this friend was coming over or not. I allowed this upset to ruin my day. I spent the whole day in my room frustrated with a bad additude. Although, I did watch some movies that were good. I said some mean things too I of course regret.

After the friend left, we took the movies back to redbox and man was is scary driving. The roads are so iced up from the rain on top of the snow. I thought we wouldn't make it back in one piece, but we did. I decided I was going to stay mad. I mainly just wanted to be told ahead of time if for sure someone is coming over, so I can prepare. I dont' know why I am this way, but it can be a problem. I let it ruin my whole day! I later apologized and went to bed happier. I then woke up and well driving to church was out of the question, due to the roads. Our church broadcasted a live church service, so we got to hear a great message this morning afterall. While seeing the beauty of Gods work. The snow this weekend I know made everyone slow down!! The message was about the Power of our Words! What we say matters to one another matters! I hope I can mature more each day and not get upset about things that just don't matter. It is better to say good things no matter what, to choose wisely with love and look to God for help in our additude.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Faith Goes a long Way

I listened to Joyce Meyer this morning. She is just one of many I listen to. She was talking about faith and the fruits of the spirit. That God does not do anything in our lives without our persmission because of free will. I have never done all things Godly in my life, but I have felt the Spirit of God calling me for a long time. I accepted Jesus as Lord years ago and have walked with Him. He has seen the hidden parts of me. Afterall, the bible teaches in Psalm 139:7 Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence. I am embracing this week this change. It will take dicsipline, but I embrace that without dicsipline change cannot take root. I do not want to continue as a flower constantly being choked by all the weeds. I want to be what God desires today. I know in saying this, I am up for a fight. I also admit that I have human traits that may seem contrary to some, but judge not lest you be judged. I always accept that I will most likely never arrive, but it's the striving and awareness that counts. I walk today and allow God to deal with me and where I am right now. Take my life and let it be, higher in your ways! Help me to be mindful of my words to everyone I come in contact with. Gods love constrains me and compels me and it is because of your love that I can love. This of course is most important! I hope to rid myself of the need to impress and find that flow in just being who I am. Who I am belongs to Gods work in me. I need to let go and let God as it's said.....maturity! Whatever we do in this life, well we have to do the hard work! Whatever that is it will take time, but doesn't everything!