Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Tired

I had a busy day yesterday, but it feels good to be so tired at night. It makes sleeping much easier! Jay & I are kind of back tracking with our workout program. I wanted to do this a week ago, but did not have the supplements and shake. We are in the middle of a two day fast and so far so good. Really a cleansing, before we continue in our wkout program. It allows your digestive track to be cleansed and shrinks your stomach, so when you eat you will eat less. We were eating so bad last year and have really made a major choice to work together and create a healthier lifestyle. I am so glad I made the choice to partner with Beachbody and be a rep/coach. I already have people thinking about making that change themselves and I really want to help people be healthier and fit! We both are just trying to keep our minds occupied while we are not eating solid food! We have a fasting shake, so it replaces all the body essentials during this time. It's not so bad....I am feeling lighter and healthier already. By Monday, we will step up our stamina level and begin building better strength! I will keep you posted!

I am so tired tonight, so I must go to bed early, but first we will watch Lost! Favorite Show hands down. I wanted to share a little article I read about God and his timing. I did not get to spend some time this morning in devotion, so I wanted to take some time tonight to get some good stuff in. Especially since I have no food to eat, it helps to focus on higher ways. Here is an article I wanted to share. It is great! It is from one of the many Women of Faith ladies. If you have never heard of Women of Faith check out there site. http://www.womenoffaith.com/ Here is the article enjoy!!! It really helped me today. I am learning to trust God more everyday and it feels good to know I really can!

As for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your hand. — Psalm 31:14–15
Do you have trouble resting in the fact that God is in control and that he knows the times and seasons in your life? Think twice before you are tempted to worry or force life to move at your pace. God moves according to his sovereignty, not according to our timetable, and peace will come only when you learn to trust his timing in every area of your life.
Resist the urge to constantly ask questions like, “When is Mr. Right going to come along?” or “When will I get the promotion I deserve?” or “What will happen if my biological clock runs out before I get pregnant?” When you grasp the truth that when he moves it will be according to his perfect plan, it makes a huge difference.
God is the God of all times, and to know him is to know faithfulness itself. He has the big picture in mind, and he knows the plans he has for you. Your times are safe in his hand. There is no need to be anxious about when God is going to answer your prayer or move on your behalf. You can relax in the certainty that his ways and his timing are perfect.
— Jan Silvious