Monday, March 1, 2010

Living in the moment is a choice

I have not blogged in a while and I am sure not many people even read if at all. I am really writing this for me as an outlet and in hopes of sharing lessons, as they come to me. I slept in today thank God! It' been a long week and I started feeling anxious and a little over tired. I have so much that was put on my plate all at once in the last month. With all the choices recently introduced in my life, it's like being at an all you can eat buffet. I am now evaluating each week and making sure I am adding the right things into my life. Somehow, I do not feel that happening lately, but I am thankful for all of the concrete business opportunities. Now, I am just narrowing it all down and seeing what suits me more and more. This week, I hope to make it back to community group and start allowing myself to be involved more with Christian Community. I know it's a good thing and one that I should not be scared of. I fear I may be judged, but why should I. I mean no one has it all together! Also, my impression has been that they will want to take up too much of my time, but that is my choice. It doesn't have to be a negative thing in my life, but a positive one. Tomorrow then, we will find our way back to the group.

I came across a little article today that I wanted to share it. It is about acceptance. I decided again today, to just accept where I am daily, do my best and not feel guilty when I need down time. I believe living in each moment is the key to happiness! Focus really helps with that too!! I just started to get out of wack and then listened to a sermon last night and read this article it's exactly what I needed. Here ya go!

"If you are on a train, will you reach your destination quicker by running up and down the corridors? Some processes just need to take as long as they need to take. That's not easy when you feel a burning desire to get them over with as quickly as possible. Yet that's actually all the more reason to make sure that you don't waste your energy. Even if it means incurring the disapproval of people who do not understand, you need to pull back a little and pace yourself this month. Focus on what can be done, and become less agitated about whatever, for now, cannot be altered."
Take Action Challenge
If the above passage resonates with you, you might want to print it out and keep it nearby. Taking a few moments to read it when you feel impatient or frustrated may be just the remedy you need to return to center.

Christ is that center for me and I have not given Him the place he deserves in my life. It's because of my relationship with Jesus and His guidance, that I am able to add or take away anything in my life. After all, His best is the best for me. I hope you all will find your center and breathe deep. Take a moment today and feel who your are deep within. Ask yourself or God, is there anything I need to add or take away from my plate? I am not going back for seconds at the buffet. My plate is full right now and I want to enjoy every bite!